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Gospel Groups A Cappella Recordings

An art form that has its origins in African-American music, including the call-and-response singing between preacher and congregation in churches, today gospel music is much loved by music fans of all backgrounds and religions around America. One of the most celebratory music forms, nothing expresses joy in a subject the way gospel music does. Some of the incredibly talented groups whose work we carry have been delivering their jubilant music for more than half a century. If you want to hear music that delivers love and happiness, this is the place for you!

Displaying 1-50 of 132 items.

African Methodist Choir with Mara Louw : African Hymns

Review: Handpick singers from a number of South African choirs, put the excellent Mara Louw out in front as the lead, take a number of hymns they all know from church, as well as the South African national anthem, and you have the ingredients for this excellent disc. Unlike so many hymns, these are performed with great, roaring joy (arranged for the most part by Louw) and recorded--as it should be--in a church. But unlike, say, American or Jamaican gospel, there`s a sense of unity, rather than testifying; the voices embrace this music, but they sing it as it is, rather than using it as a lift-off point to testify. The harmonies might have their written roots in Europe, but the voices singing them are ineffably African, bringing something different to the sound. There`s a sense of control about it all, even when a speaking voice breaks in on `Jerusalem Ikhaya Lam,` for instance, or on the rare occasions when some very spare percussion accompanies the a cappella voices. It`s majestic, but that`s the intent, a nexus between Europe and Africa, meeting in Christianity. That`s even there on the by-now famous `Nkosi Sikelel`i Afrika,` the country`s very hymn-like national anthem, performed here as the closer, full-voiced and glorious, sung with unconcealed pride and joy.

Songlist: Hee! Ba Nyoriloeng, Siya Kudumisa Thixo, Ha Kelestshe - Kele Mobe, Kenang Bohle, Kese Ke Utloile, Imfazwe Imfazwe, Amahlathi Aphelile, Mphe Maleme Ase Kete / Vuthelani Ixilongo, Jerusalem Ikhaya Lam, Masibulele Ku Jesu, Bawo Ndingu Mntwana Wakho, Seteng Sediba Samadi, Rea Oboka Morena, Wakrazulwa Ngenxa Yami, Noyana, Ingoma Ka Ntsikana, Nkosi Sikelel'i Afrika

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9934c | 1 CD | $15.95 || African Choral Music

Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers : Best of Jubilee Vol 2 out of print

Review: The 21 mixed-voice singers of Director Albert McNeil sing the powerful, emotion-packed spirituals that have been sung, recorded, rearranged and interpreted, and re-recorded for over 150 years. In these14 songs we have a mixture of the simplicity and complexity of arrangements by Moses Hogan, Jester Hairston, Lena McLinn and Albert McNeil, to the unique settings of young composers and arrangers like Stacey Gibbs, Richard Jackson and Augustus O. Hill. Undine Smith Moore's "Lord We Give Thanks to Thee" was written as a tribute to the 100th Anniversary of the founding of Fisk University's original Jubilee Singers. Hogan's "Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit," Hill's "Fix Me Jesus," McLinn's "Lit'le Lamb, Lit'le Lamb," Gibbs' "Somebody's Knockin' At Yo' Do'" and "See Dat Babe," McNeil's dynamic "John the Revelator" and Hairston's joyous "Wonderful Counselor" are particularly fine. Authentic, timeless music sung with passion and fire by one of the great Gospel ensembles!

Songlist: Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit, Fix me, Jesus, The Word Was God, I Will Arise And Go To Jesus, Lit'le Lamb, Lit'le Lamb, I Know I've Been Changed, Lord, We Give Thanks To Thee, Somebody's Knockin' On Yo' Do', This Little Light Of Mine, John, The Revelator, My Long White Robe, See Datee Babe, Lit'l Boy, Wonderful Counselor

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3054c | 1 CD | $14.98 | A Cappella

Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers : The Best Of Jubilee out of print

Review: An LA-born native Californian, Albert McNeil earned Bachelors and Masters degrees at UCLA and did his doctorate studies at USC, the Westminster Choir College of Princeton and the Univ. of Lausanne, Switzerland. He has been conducting groups and church choirs for most of his adult life, and has dedicated himself to upholding a tradition of choral excellence as Founder/Director of the McNeil Jubilee Singers in 1968. Since then the Singers have earned international acclaim for their vast repertoire of African-American folk music, focusing on the rich genre known as Negro Spirituals as well as gospel, secular folk songs, calypsos and other African-Caribbean and African vocal forms. Their repertory also consists of concert works by distinguished African-American composers and arrangers along with Classical Opera, Sacred Music and Musical Theater. The 15 selections in "Best of Jubilee" draw on the best performances of one of the most honored choral ensembles. It's understandably hard to pick favorites, but the South African freedom song "Siyahamba'ekukhanuen'kwenkhos" (We are marching in the light of God), "Glory, Glory Hallelujah," "Open the Window, Noah," "Hallelujah! (Been Down Into The Sea)," "Oh, Mary Don't You Weep," "Oh Make Me Holy," "All My Trials," "Walk Together Children" and "Rocka My Soul" are particularly fine. Inspirational and moving songs, every one the best of the best!

Songlist: Siyahamba'ekukhanyet'kwenkhos, Dry Bones, Glory, Glory Hallelujah, Open The Window Noah, He's Got The Whole World In His Hands, Hallelujah! (Been Down Into The Sea), Sometimes I feel Like A Motherless Child, Oh Mary Don't You Weep, Jesus Lay Your Head in da Winder, The Word Was God, Oh Make Me Holy, All My Trials, Walk Together Children, John the Revelator, Rocka My Soul

More details2893c | 1 CD | $14.98 | A Cappella

Allison's Sacred Harp Singers : Heaven's My Home

Review: The 1927-1928 recordings by J.T. Allison's ensemble are rare instances of the convergence of two important cultural movements of the southeastern U.S.-the emerging country music recording industry and the tradition of singing religious folk music from shape-note tunebooks. The Allisons recorded music directly from "The Sacred Harp," compiled in Georgia in 1844, which used musical notes in 4 shapes, representing degrees of the musical scale, to aid in learning and reading religious music. The emphasis of this music is large public gatherings, where throngs of singers gather for an intense musical and spiritual experience-everyone comes to sing and there is no discernable audience. 21 songs, lightly accompanied, richly harmonic and sincerely sung by non-professional, but certainly competent, singers: "The Heavenly Port," "The Old Ship of Zion," "Sweet Rivers," "The Golden Harp," "Jewett," "Pisgah," "Sweet Prospect," "The Morning Trumpet," "Ester," "I'm A Long Time Traveling Away From Home," "I Belong to this Band," "Sweet Morning" and "Heaven's My Home." Although its use declined over the 19th century, we love "Home" and the other shape-note recordings we've heard. Rich history and photos in the extensive liner notes booklet.

Songlist: The Heavenly Port, Bound for Canaan, The Old Ship of Zion, Exhilaration, Antioch, Sweet Rivers, Hallelujah, The Golden Harp, Traveling Pilgrim, Jewett, Pisgan, Sweet Prospect, Weeping Pilgrim, Sweet Canaan, Penick, The Morning Trumpet, Ester, I'm a Long Time Traveling Away from Home, I Belong to This Band, Sweet Morning, Heaven's My Home

More details3034c | 1 CD | $15.95 | A Cappella || Shapenote Music

American Spiritual Ensemble : Ole Time Religion

Review: Director McCorvey has assembled a stellar group of 22 mixed voices, all soloists in their own right, to create his all-star touring ensemble. Favorites among these 15 live cuts, recorded on the group's 1998-2000 tours of Kentucky and Spain, include the live cut "Walk Together Children," the most dynamic arrangement of "The Battle of Jericho" we have heard, "Rock-A-My Soul," "Free At Last (From Big River)," "Amen," "Lord, How Come Me Here," "I Don't Feel No Ways Tired," "You Can Tell The World" and "Come Sunday." There is some piano and drum accompaniment, but mostly rich, powerful harmonies, soaring leads and great arrangements. Some of the best spirituals we have heard in a long time, from national musical treasure ASE!

Songlist: Walk Together Children, I've Been Buked, The Battle of Jericho, Hail Mary, Rock A My Soul, I'm Gonna Sing 'Till The Spirit Moves In My Heart, Old Time Religion/When The Saints, Free At Last (from Big River), Amen, Here's One, Lord, How Come Me Here, Lord I Have Seen, I Don't Feel No Ways Tired, You Can Tell The World, Come Sunday

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2296c | 1 CD | $14.95 | A Cappella |

American Spiritual Ensemble : The Lily of The Valley

Review: Founded by Everett McCorvey in 1995, the 32-strong, mixed-voice American Spiritual Ensemble has toured Italy, Germany, Britain, Scotland, Spain and Japan, and has sung in the Metropolitan Opera, NYC Opera and Houston Grand Opera, among many other venues. All the members are soloists in their own right, and the ensemble thrills audiences with their dynamic renditions of classic spirituals, jazz and Broadway selections. "Lily of the Valley" is a dynamic, generous collection of 19 spirituals, some favorites are "You Must Have That True Religion" (which segues into "Gimme That Old Time Religion"), "Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel," the title tune, "I Want To Be Ready," "Fix Me Jesus," "My Lord, What A Mourning," "Ride Up In The Chariot," "Scandalize My Name," "Done Found My Lost Sheep," "Watch and Pray" and "Come Down Angels." Some of these songs are new to us, others are old favorites, but all of them are stunningly powerful and lovely. There is some piano and light drum percussion. Don't miss this wonderful CD by one of the finest spiritual ensembles in the world!

Songlist: You Must Have That True Religion, Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, The Lily of the Valley, I Want To Be Ready, Fix me, Jesus, Elijah Rock, Daniel, Daniel, the Servant of the Lord, My Lord, What a Mourning, I Thank You Jesus, Is There Anybody Here?, Ride Up In the Chariot, Ride On King Jesus, Done Found My Lost Sheep, My Soul's Been Anchored in the Lord, Scandalize My Name, Watch and Pray, 'Roun' About de Mountain, Ride up in the Chariot, Come Down Angels

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2297c | 1 CD | $14.95 | A Cappella |

American Spiritual Ensemble : The Spirituals

Review: The American Spiritual Ensemble has grown to 42 members for this memorable recording "The Spirituals." Two powerful pictures in the liner notes, depicting a slave couple at a mean cabin, dreaming of escaping their bondage, and then on the cover, striking out across a fog-shrouded field in the early morning, tell us the story of these 15 authentic songs. "Crossin' Ovah," "Follow The Drinking Gourd," "There Is A Balm in Gilead," "It's Me Oh Lord," "Guide My Feet," "Here's One," "Give Me Jesus," "I Want Jesus to Walk With Me" and "We Shall Overcome" speak of the tremendous struggle of African-Americans to gain their freedom and equality. The soulful leads and harmonies of these powerful coded songs actually helped some of the singers find their way out of bondage. Powerful, wonderful stuff from the American Spiritual Ensemble! Some piano accompaniment.

Songlist: Plenty Good Room, Crossin' Ovah, Follow The Drinking Gourd, Steal Away, There is a Balm in Gilead, Follow The Drinking Gourd, It's Me Oh Lord, Guide My Feet, Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit, Follow The Drinking Gourd, Here's One, Give Me Jesus, Follow The Drinking Gourd, I Want Jesus to Walk with Me, We Shall Overcome

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2298c | 1 CD | $14.95 | A Cappella |

Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir : God Is Working out of print

Review: The Brooklyn Tabernacle draws thousands of people from around the world, who come to worship and be inspired by the Grammy award-winning Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. These 11 accompanied, high-energy, revival-style gospel tunes will get your foot tapping, and very possibly up and dancing! There are several nice originals here, several of them written and composed by Carol Cymbala, wife of Pastor Jim Cymbala: the title tune, "Nothing is Impossible," "Keep Me True," and "Holy Like You." Other favorites are "Church Medley," Robert Gay's "More Than Enough," the traditional hymn "All The Way To Calvary, " "It's Amazing" by Oliver Wells, "I Found The Answer" by Johnny Lang, "Lift Your Voice" by Cindy and Becky Cruse, and "For Every Mountain" by Kurt Carr. "God Is Working" is a powerful, inspirational collection that will touch and move you!

Songlist: All The Way To Calvary, God Is Working, It's Amazing, Church Medley, More Than Enough, Lift Your Voice, I Found The Answer, For Every Mountain, Nothing Is Impossible, Keep Me True, Holy Like You

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2299c | 1 CD | $9.95

Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir : Hallelujah! Very Best Of

Review: One of Christian music's best-selling and most recognized choirs continue to impact the world while maintaining its roots in its Brooklyn neighborhood. With over 20 recordings to its credit this great selection includes some of the very best songs they have recorded over this period.

Songlist: How Great Thou Art, The Hallelujah Chorus, Favorite Song Of All, It's Not in Vain, Almighty, Lead Me Lord, Soon And Very Soon, My Help (Cometh From The Lord), Happy Birthday, Jesus, I Can Be Glad, He's Been Faithful, Testimony: Calvin Hunt, I'm Clean, I am Not Ashamed, Reprise: The Hallelujah Chorus

More details2293c | 1 CD | $12.95 || Gospel Group Harmony CDs

Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir : Higher & Lifted Up out of print

Review: Higher & Lifted Up is an uplifting and celebratory album from the famed Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. Renowned for their remarkable performance skills and brilliant handling of both traditional favorites and more contemporary selections, the choir has recorded what is sure to be one of the most talked-about gospel albums. Drawn from favorite selections previously performed at Sunday morning worship service, High and Lifted Up is the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir's first studio album in more than a decade. Akin to the Brooklyn Tabernacle singers' Songs from the Altar, this is an elegantly scored collection that remains firmly focused on the choir's trademark praise and worship bent. However, while it begins with the relatively uncomplicated "Total Praise," High and Lifted Up, unlike Songs, is lyrically complex, including the words of Psalm 150 and "Battle Hymn of the Republic." Skillfully executed multipart harmonies and swelling strains of strings make the title cut, the Celtic-tinged "Father We Adore Thee," and closer "God of All Gods" crowning achievements.

Songlist: Total Praise, Psalm 150 (Praise Ye The Lord), My Help (Cometh From The Lord), We Are United, Battle Hymn Of The Republic, Father We Adore Thee, High And Lifted Up, Blessed Be The Lord, So You Would Know, God Of All Gods

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2294c | 1 CD | $11.95

CenturyMen : Anthems in Disguise

Review: Many guest artists plus a full orchestra join The CenturyMen, formed of professional musicians who are directors of music at Baptist churches all over the country on this magnificent (all accompanied) album. The Broadway Inspirational Voices, conducted by Michael McElroy, tenor Darius de Haas, Renay Peters Joubert, soprano, the Nashville Children's Choir and Walt Whitman's Soul Children of Chicago join TCM on these 16, well, anthems is a good word! Favorites are inspirational songs like "The Impossible Dream," "Climb Every Mountain," "When You Wish Upon a Star," "Not While I'm Around," and spiritually uplifting tunes like "Total Praise" "As the Deer," "Holy, Holy, Holy," "For Every Mountain," "Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross," "Free at Last," "Just a Little Talk," "My Tribute," and "Holy Ground." Then there's the quintessential upbeat, optimistic anthem from "Oklahoma," "Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin'." This is a feel good collection from one of the best men's choruses we've heard, and a stellar group of guest artists.

Songlist: Total Praise, The Impossible Dream, As the Deer, Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin', Holy, Holy, Holy, Not While I'm Around, Climb Every Mountain, For Every Mountain, Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross, When You Wish Upon a Star, Free at Last, Just a Little Talk, My Tribute, Who Can I Turn To?, Morning Glow, Holy Ground

More details9007c | 1 CD | $15.95 |

CenturyMen : Offerings of Peace

Review: "Offerings of Peace" is an epic collection of 16 Hymns, Spirituals and Gospel Songs from the 100 Baptist Music Directors who comprise The CenturyMen, a full Symphony Orchestra, and a Gospel choir of Broadway performers. It's hard to pick favorites, but "Be Still, My Soul," the a cappella "Peace! Be Still!," "Peace Like a River," "It Is Well with My Soul," "Oh, How I Love Jesus," "Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling," "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross," "All Creatures of Our God and King" and "Close to Thee" are all powerful and excellent. A beautiful, moving album by The CenturyMen and guests!

Songlist: Be Still, My Soul, Peace Like A River, My Father's House, Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing, It Is Well with My Soul, Oh, How I Love Jesus, Peace! Be Still!, A Passion Mosaic, O Sacred Head, Now Wounded, Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling, Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, All Creatures of Our God and King, Close to Thee, God Be With You Till We Meet Again, Encore: Give the World a Smile

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9005c | 1 CD | $15.95 |

Charioteers : Best Of out of print

Review: Led by the awesomely talented tenor Billy Williams, the Charioteers were the most gospel-sounding of the great black pop vocal groups of the '40s, a sound that did not translate into the record sales that Columbia record execs-eager for an answer to Decca's Ink Spots-were hoping for. But to ears educated by the doo wop and soul groups to come, this group's stuff is mighty fine, definitely vocal pop but hinting of the left turn towards R&B that vocal music was soon to take in the '50s. We are proud to present the *first-ever* compilation on CD of their work, with notes setting the scene for these 24 great sides.

Songlist: Way Down Yonder in New Orleans, I'm Getting Sentimental Over You, Why Should I Complain?, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, So Long, Calliope Jane, We'll Meet Again, I Understand, Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams (And Dream Your Troubles Away) , Yes, Indeed!, Elmer's Tune, I Got It Bad (and That Ain't Good), On the Boardwalk (In Atlantic City), You Can't See the Sun When You're Cryin', Open the Door, Richard!, Ride, Ride, Ride, Chi-Baba, Chi-Baba (My Bambino Go To Sleep), On the Sunny Side of the Street, Sleepy Time Gal, Oooh! Look-a-There, Ain't She Pretty?, What Did He Say? (The Mumble Song), The Last Thing I Want Is Your Pity, A Kiss and A Rose, Until

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4558c | 1 CD | $15.98

Chicago Mass Choir : Just Having Church out of print

Review: "Just Having Church", is an unforgettable experience that raises the roof on Gospel Choir Music. This project from the Grammy, Dove and Stellar Award nominated group is their most impressive to date. Recorded live in front of a packed house at St. Stephen Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky, Just Having Church is suitably titled. From songs like Spirit of the Living God to Let's Praise Jesus to He's Alright, the Chicago Mass Choir uses their unique gift to give listeners an incredible blend of traditional gospel and modern worship. The 80-member Chicago Mass Choir is hitting the road like never before, with feature appearances at the Inspirational Network's Camp Meeting, the Gospel Music Channel's "Hometown Gospel Special, and the 23rd Annual Chicago Gospelfest. Since their first recording 17 years ago, the Chicago Mass Choir has grown into one of the strongest and most exciting choirs on the Gospel scene and is now considered one of the top traditional choirs in the country. "Just Having Church" continues the tradition of excellence and will be a must-have CD for any Gospel collection.

Songlist: We Can Do All Things, God Is My Everything, He's Alright, Wash Me, Lord, Hold On, Every Chance I Get, I Will Praise Him, I Believe in the Power of God, I'm Gonna Praise the Lord, Spirit of the Living God, Sending Up Our Praises, Let's Praise Jesus, I Heard

More details5230c | 1 CD | $15.95

Chosen Gospel Singers : The Lifeboat out of print

Review: One of the great a cappella quartets of Gospel music's Golden Age, The Chosen Gospel Singers has been among the most mysterious. 11 singles by the Chosen were released from 1952 to 1963, four on Specialty Records and seven on Nashboro. Several, including "One-Two-Three" and "Prayer for the Doomed," became hits, making the Chosen one of the busiest touring groups of the period. Every recording was of high quality, but from release to release, new members would appear, and then disappear. It is not even widely known that Lou Rawls was a member, as his official bio doesn't mention the Chosen, implying that he began his career with the more famous Pilgrim Travelers. But Rawls' one-of-a-kind baritone is featured on 8 of the 22 selections in this collection, the first ever to compile every song the group recorded for Specialty between 1952 and 1955. There are 22 wonderful cuts here, most of which we are hearing for the first time. "Before This Time Another Year," "Don't You Know The Man," the passionate "Leaning On The Lord," "It's Getting Late in the Evening," "No Room in the Hotel," "I'm Going Back with Him," the hand-clapping gem "Ananais," "Don't You Know The Man," "The Lifeboat is Coming," "Don't Worry About Me," "On The Main Line" and "Stay With Me Jesus." Every cut here is foot-tapping, joyous revelation, the authentic good old wailing, crying, Gospel stuff. Don't miss this one!

Songlist: Before This Time Another Year, Ananais, Don't You Know The Man?, Come By Here, Family Prayer, Leaning on the Lord, One-Two-Three, The Lord Will Make A Way Somehow, It's Getting Late in the Evening, No Room in the Hotel, Watche Ye Therefore, I'm Going Back With Him, I've Tried, Ananais, Don't You Know the Man?, The Lifeboat is Coming, What A Wonderful Sight, Don't Worry About Me, When I Get Home, On the Main Line, Stay With Me Jesus, Prayer for the Doomed

More details5218c | 1 CD | $12.95

Deep River Boys : The Early Years 1937-50

Review: Acrobat has a highly interesting catalogue of gospel, doowop and vocal group recordings, which already includes a Deep River Boys collection from their later era during the 1950s when they recorded for EMI in the UK. This is an expanded version of an album, now no longer available, which was released in 2000.

Songlist: Carmena Waltz Song, Who'll Jine de Union, I Am Seeking for a City, I Am Bound for Sweet Canaan Land, I Got a Home in Dat Rock, In Dat Great Getting' Up Morning, You Talk Too Much, A Zoot Suit, Cousin Jedidiah, A Little Jive Is Good for You, Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child, By the Light of the Silvery Moon, Get on Board Little Children, We Are Walking in the Light, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, Oh Freedom, Castle on the River Nile, I'm Trampin', Go Down Moses, Honey, Honey Honey, My Guys Come Back, This Chick's Too Young to Fry, Charge It to Daddy, Get Up Them Stairs Mademoiselle, It Had to Be You, What Did He Say, Purgatory, Two Blocks Down Turn to the Left, Ain't Misbehavin', That's What You Need to Suceed, and more

More details4025c | 1 CD | $16.95 |

Delta Rhythm Boys : I Dreamt I Dwelt in Harlem

Review: The rise of groups like the Golden Gate Quartet took gospel music out of the conservative confines of the Black church, and opened the door for other groups who wanted to sing spirituals in a different way. One of the groups to achieve success in the more liberated climate was the Hampton Institute Quartet, who changed their name to the Delta Rhythm Boys, and were equally at home delivering a pop song as a gospel item. They teamed up with Ella Fitzgerald during the 1940s recording ban in America, when her career might have been put on hold. However much the gospel group might have been threatened with eternal damnation to even think about "La Cucaracha," their fearlessness, both musically and politically, is what made them one of the greats. 20 winners, and we can't decide which we like the best, pop tunes like "Little Lize," the sweet "It Was Wonderful Then," a swinging "La Cucaracha," the silly minstrel-show tune "Watermelon On The Vine," the hip "Gimme Some Skin" and "Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gave To Me," or gospel hits like "Wait Till I Put On My Crown," a rocking "Ezekiel Saw De Wheel," "Certainly Lord," "Mighty Day," and "Scandalize My Name" (which is actually more of a commentary on religious bigotry). There's a particularly fine, laid-back early version of "Georgia On My Mind," and the swinging title tune, the final cut, is a joy. All songs at least piano accompanied, recorded in NY in 1941.

Songlist: LIttle Lize (I Love You), Keep On To Galilee, Wait Till I Put On My Crown, The Railroad Song, Ezekiel Saw De Wheel, Bugle Woogie, Do You Care, Conversation At Midnight, It Was Wonderful Then, La Cucaracha, Dry Bones, Certainly Lord, Mighty Day, Scandalize My Name, Watermelon On the Vine, Gimme Some Skin, It's So Peaceful in the Country, Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gives To Me, Georgia On My Mind, I Dreamt I Dwelt in Harlem

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4542c | 1 CD | $11.98 || Black Vocal Groups

Detroiters/Golden Echoes : Old Time Religion out of print

Review: "Old Time Religion" collects the complete recordings, including several alternate takes, of two of the hottest Gospel quartets of the lat 40s, the Detroiters and the Golden Echoes. These are all from the archives of Specialty Records, who were best known for numerous records by their four most famous groups, the Pilgrim Travelers, The Swan Silvertones, the Soul Stirrers and the Five Blind Boys of Alabama. With the focus on these four, some wonderful groups that weren't as well recorded have sadly been overlooked, an oversight that Legends of Gospel aims to correct. Although these great black Gospel groups formed in big cities, the Golden Echoes in Los Angeles and the Detroiters, of course, in the Motor City; they had their roots in Texas, the hotbed of great quartet singing. While the Echoes remained a quartet, the Detroiters added two more singers and a pianist, rare for Gospel groups at the time. They were also noted for their unusual focus on "Mother" songs, recording a trilogy of them, "Mother on the Train," "Mother, Don't Cry About Your Son" and "Mother, I Need Your Prayer." There are 15 spirited cuts by the Detroiters here, including 3 alternate versions, a few other favorites are "Ride On King Jesus," "Let Jesus Lead You," and the previously unissued "He Walks With Me," "Body and Soul" and "Shady Green Pastures." The Golden Echoes have 11 cuts, three of them alternates; some favorites are the previously unissued "Where Shall I Be (When The First Trumpet Sounds)," "Down on My Knees," "I'm So Happy (In the Service of the Lord)," "Waiting and Watching," and "Yield Not to Temptation." This is wonderful, joyous revival-meeting stuff from two of Gospel's best!

Songlist: He Walks With Me, Mother on the Train, Mother on the Train, Angels Watching Over Me, I Trust In Jesus, Ride on King Jesus, Ride on King Jesus, Mother Don't Cry About Your Child, Let Jesus Lead You, Mother, I Need Your Prayer, Old Time Religion, Old Time Religion, Sometimes, Body and Soul, Shady Green Pastures, Where Shall I Be (When the First Trumpet Sounds), Down on My Knees, My Life is in His Hands, When the Saints go Marching In, When the Saints go Marching In, When I Lay My Burden Down, I'm So Happy (In the Service of the Lord), Waiting and Watching, Yield Not to Temptation, Yield Not to Temptation, Yield Not to Temptation

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5220c | 1 CD | $12.95

Dorothy Love Coates & The Original Gospel Harmonettes : Get On Board out of print

Review: The mid-40s through the 1950s has come to be regarded as the Golden Age of African-American Gospel music. Specialty Records, founded by Art Rupe in 1946 was one of the first companies to nurture this creative flowering, and it remained at the forefront of the genre. The Pilgrim Travelers, the Soul Stirrers, Sister Wynona Carr, Brother Joe May, Dorothy Love Coates and the Original Gospel Harmonettes, the Original Blind Boys of Alabama, and the Swan Silvertones are a few of the giants of the Golden Age discovered and featured by Art Rupe on Specialty. "Get On Board" has 24 Gospel hits, all accompanied, most of which highlight Dorothy's Rockin' Soul, foot-tapping Revival-style leads, and her Harmonettes sing sweet and solid background harmonies. On stage Dorothy would leap and lunge, a ferociously animated performer and an astonishing lyricist who composed a dozen Gospel standards. A few favorites are "Get Away Jordan," "Rest for the Weary," "Deliver Me," "No Hiding Place" (which was featured in the movie "Ghost'"), "Old Gospel Train," "Plenty Good Room," "Waiting for Me," "I Wouldn't Mind Dying," the title tune and the final cut "That's Enough," but every cut here is an inspiration and a revelation. We look upon Dorothy Love Coates as an early Aretha, who also began her career singing Gospel, and if you love authentic Gospel, Get On Board this one!

Songlist: Peace Be Still, Glory to His Name, I'm Sealed, Get Away Jordan, Rest for the Weary, Deliver Me, Oh My Lord, Lead Me, Heavenly Father, Old Gospel Train (The Next Stop Is Mine), Get on Board, The Railroad, Plenty Good Room, Sometime, No Hiding Place, Waiting For Me, Wade in the Water, I Wouldn't Mind Dying, I'll Be With Thee, He's Calling Me, Untitled Instrumental, Thank You Lord For Using Me, These Are They, 99 1/2, That's Enough

More details5219c | 1 CD | $12.95

Du Droppers : Boot Em Up

Review: The Du Droppers were formed in 1952 from members of various Gospel groups, and the talented, veteran quartet are an important link between Gospel groups, Harmony groups and the rise of Doo Wop and Rock 'n Roll. 23 wonderfully rich (all accompanied) tunes, from the funny "Can't Do Sixty No More" (an answer to the Dominoes' hit "Sixty Minute Man" to the title tune, this CD is a get-down, adult-themed, boogying treat that makes us imagine just how powerful (and dangerous) this music must have sounded to people used to listening to Perry Como and Pat Boone. "Chain Me Baby," "Go Back," "I Wanna Know," "Get Lost," the racy "Little Girl, Little Girl (You Better Stop Talking in Your Sleep)" "Bambalam" and "I Found Out," "Ten Past Midnight," "Honey Bunch," "I Only Had A Little," "Drink Up," "Speed King" "Dead Broke" and "Let Nature Take Its Course." Surprisingly, as good as these songs are, this is the first time we've heard most of them. Great rockin' Doo Wop boogie from the early 1950s by a pioneering group that obviously should be much better-known!

Songlist: Can't Do Sixty More, Chain Me Baby, Come On And Love Me, Go Back, I Wanna Know, Laughing Blues, Get Lost, Little Girl Little Girl, You Better, Stop Talking In Your Sleep, I Found Out, My Thrill Girl, Ten Past Midnight, Bambalam, Don't Pass Me By, Drink Up, Speed King, Dead Broke, I Only Had A Little, How Much Longer, If You Just Don't Leave, Honey Bunch, Let Nature Take Its Course, Boot Em' Up

More details7478c | 1 CD | $10.98 || Black Vocal Groups

Edwin Hawkins Singers : Oh Happy Day: The Best of out of print

Review: Edwin Hawkins (born 18 August 1943, Oakland, California) is a Grammy Award-winning American gospel and R&B musician, pianist, choir leader, composer and arranger. He is one of the originators of the urban contemporary gospel sound. He (and the Edwin Hawkins Singers) are best known for his arrangement of "Oh Happy Day" (1968-69), which was included on the Songs of the Century list. When radio stations of the San Francisco Bay area started playing "Oh Happy Day", it became very popular. Featuring the lead vocal of Dorothy Combs Morrison, the subsequently released single rocketed to sales of over a million copies within two months. It crossed over to the pop charts making U.S. #4 and UK #2 in 1969. It then became an international success, selling more than 7 million copies worldwide, and Hawkins was awarded his first Grammy for it.

Songlist: Let Us Go Into The House Of The Lord, Pray For Peace, Oh Happy Day, Joy, Joy, Give Me A Star, I Shall Be Free, To My Father's House, Someday, Jesus, Lover Of My Soul, Ooh Child, Precious Memories, Late In The Evening, A Long Way To Go, Blowin' In The Wind, I'm Going Through

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2260c | 1 CD | $6.95

Emmanuel Quartet : A New Day onsale

Review: For Phillip, Ryan, Tim and Joey, sweet-singing members of Deer Lodge, TN's Emmanuel Quartet, their ministry is simple-its all right there in 1 Chronicles: "Sing to the Lord, aall the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples." The 11-title songlist on "Feeling Good" speaks (or in fact sings) for itself: "Children's Medley, "Mighty is the Word," "If We Miss Heaven," "What More Could He Do?," "Give In To the Lord," "The Ballad of Elisha's Bones," "My Savior First of All," "Peaceful Side of Jordan," "A New Day," "We Shall Wear A Crown" and "Twenty Three." Ryan's rich deep bass, Tim's solid baritone, Phillip's fine tenor and Joey's soaring leads make each of these songs a joyous, inspirational winner. Don't miss "Feeling Good!"

Songlist: Children's Medley, Mighty is the Word, If We Miss Heaven, What More Could He Do?, Give In To The Lord, The Ballad of Elisha's Bones, My Savior First Of All, Peaceful Side of Jordan, A New Day, We Shall Wear a Crown, Twenty-Three

More details1137c | 1 CD | $14.95 || Contemporary Christian CDs

Emmanuel Quartet : Hymns By the Book

Review: Review pending

Songlist: Marching to Zion, Joy By and By, Face to Face, Now Thank We All Our God, Live Out Thy Life Within Me, Nearer My God to Thee, All Hail The Power of Jesus's Name, Softly and Tenderly, Sweet By and By, Rock of Ages, The Old Rugged Cross, Redeemed, Best Be the Tie That Binds

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1135c | 1 CD | $14.95 || Contemporary Christian CDs

Fairfield Four : Revival

Review: An incredible 14 track set from the legendary gospel group at the peak of their considerable vocal prowess. Recorded in 1989, Nixon Studio, Nashville TN.

Songlist: Hallelujah, I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray, His Love Is Like a River, Talk to the Man Above, Noah, Walk This Road to Glory, Dig a Little Deeper, Don't Let Nobody Turn You Around, Leaning and Depending, You Can't Beat God Giving, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, Thank You Jesus, Shadrack, Roll Jordan Roll

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2601c | 1 CD | $11.95 |

Fairfield Four : The Bells Are Tolling

Review: The Four are probably Nashville's best-known, most influential and certainly longest-performing African-American a cappella gospel quartet. 'Bells' is a rare album actually recorded 40 years ago at the Fairfield Missionary Baptist Church in Nashville, Tennessee, and it represents post-war gospel music at its best. Included are: 'The Bells Are Tolling,' 'What Are They Doing In Heaven Today,' 'Memories of My Mother,' 'Every Knee Has Got To Bow,' 'Don't Let Nobody Turn You Around,' 'Wait On The Lord' (aka 'He's My Rock, My Sword, My Shield'), 'I John Saw The Number,' 'In The Old Time Way,' 'At The Gates Of The City,' 'My Work On Earth Will Soon Be Done,' 'I'll Be So Happy' (aka 'If I Could Hear My Mother Pray Again') and 'Hide Me In Thy Bosom.' Powerful, spirited and moving, 'Bells' is African-American gospel at its authentic best!

Songlist: The Bells Are Tolling, What Are They Doing In Heaven Today?, Memories Of My Mother, Every Knee Has Got To Bow, Don't Let Nobody Turn You Around, Wait On The Lord, I John Saw The Number, In The Old Time Way, At The Gates Of The City, My Work On Earth Will Soon Be Done, I'll Be So Happy, Hide Me In Thy Bosom

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5331c | 1 CD | $14.95 || Gospel Group Harmony CDs

Fisk Jubilee Singers : In Bright Mansions

Review: Fisk University, originally the Fisk Free Colored School, was founded in Nashville, TN right after the Civil War, by northern missionaries. The school treasurer, a Gettysburg veteran named George White, loved music, and was moved by the slave hymns he would sometimes overhear in the refugee camps, but it was difficult to get his young students to sing them, as they were associated with slavery and things best forgotten. George began collecting and arranging these "secret songs," with the help of his secretary, Ella Sheppard, who brought him "O Freedom" and "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot," lullabies her mother had taught her. In time, White and Sheppard collected over a hundred songs. In 1871, Fisk was on the brink of financial collapse, and George White took a group of young singers on the route of the Underground Railroad, hoping to "sing into the hearts" of the people and raise money to save the school. At first enduring racism and indifference, the group finally found some success in Ohio, and then made it to New York, where Henry Ward Beecher, in his Plymouth Church in Brooklyn, was so moved by their singing he commanded his wealthy parishioners to give generously to the Jubilee's cause. Suddenly the churches of metropolitan New York opened their doors to them, and people rushed to hear "the genuine soul music of the slave cabins, before the Lord led his people out of the house of bondage." This began a series of successful tours, to Britain, Europe and all over the United States that finally exhausted the young singers, yet raised enough to erase Fisk's debt and build beautiful new campus buildings. 18 authentic songs, some of our favorites: "Down By The Riverside," "De Gospel Train," "Were You There," "Rockin' Jerusalem," "Nobody Knows the Trouble I See," "He's Got the Whole World In His Hands," "I'm Got A Home In-A Dat Rock," and the title tune. The CD cover and liner notes are actually a small book, with great old photos and the amazing story of the Fisk Singers. And, this is an "Enhanced" CD--if you load it into your computer's CD player, you can see a nicely-done visual presentation of the group's history with many photos, as well as photos and info from the recording session--very cool. Recommended.

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2808c | 1 CD | $13.95 || Gospel Group Harmony CDs

Five Blind Boys of Alabama : Collection - 1948 - 1951

Review: One of the most influential gospel acts of all time, The Fiveblind Boys Of Alabama, have been performing and recording now for almost 60 years. Today they are at the height of their fame with world tours and best selling CDs as well as the support of rock stars such as Peter Gabriel. This collection gathers together 28 tracks recorded from 1948-51, many of which were hits in the gospel market at the time, "Honetin The Rock" and "Come Over Here" being the most notable. This is the perfect introduction to the early days of one of gospel's most important groups. The package comes with a 12 page booklet including notes by the renowned gospel expert "Opal Louis Nations."

Songlist: Jesus Love Devine, See Everybody's Mother but Mine, What Manner of Man is this, What More Can Jesus do, Don't Wonder About Him, I Want My Crown, By and By, I've an Intrest Over There, Living on Mother's Prayer, Right to the Tree of Life, Anyhow, When the Roll is Called Up Yonder, Death Has Taken Mother Home, Honey in the Rock, In the Vinyard, Power of the Lord, Jesus Won't Deny Me, Mother's Song, All the Days of my Life, Blessed be the Name, All I Have is Gone, Gonna Have A Good Time, Good Religion, No More Tears No More Dying, Come Over Here, Since Mother's Been Gone, Canaan Land, Leave Your Burdens There

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2253c | 1 CD | $14.95 || Black Vocal Groups

Gaither Vocal Band : Gaither A Cappella

Review: All-male quartet the Gaither Vocal Band, winners of 4 Grammys and many other awards, give us only pictures of themselves in the liner notes of "A Cappella," the fact that this is part of the "Gaither Gospel Series" and the lyrics to these beautiful, inspirational songs. Several of these 12 songs are originals, "I Then Shall Live" with words by Gloria Gaither, and "Center of My Joy" and "Gentle Shepherd" with words by Gloria and music by William Gaither. Other favorites are "Delivered From the Hands of Pharoah," "Low Down the Chariot," "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross," "Jesus! What A Friend for Sinners," "He Will Carry You" and Irving Berlin's "God Bless America." Simple, powerful harmonies, heartfelt faith, beautiful words, arrangements and music-this is some of the best Contemporary Christian/Gospel we have heard! Companion Songbook.

Songlist: Low Down the Chariot, Leave It There / What A Friend We Have In Jesus, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, Delivered from the Hands of Pharoah, He Will Carry You, Jesus! What A Friend for Sinners, Sing A Song / I'd Like To Teach the World to Sing, Center of My Joy, Heaven's Joy Awaits, God Bless America, I Then Shall Live, Gentle Shepherd

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2832c | 1 CD | $14.95 | A Cappella || Contemporary Christian CDs | Companion Songbook Available

Golden Gate Quartet : Rock My Soul : 1 CD :  : 173

Listen to
Gospel Train

Golden Gate Quartet : Rock My Soul

Review: When the GGQ burst onto the gospel music scene in the 1930's out of the Tidewater region of Virginia, black churches were quite musically conservative and not given to rhythmic experimentation or nods toward popular music. Thus there was a fair amount of head-shaking when the GGQ emerged as the leader of a very fine pack of Gospel groups during a very difficult and trying time in American history. Appearing on a North Carolina radio station led to a move north, then to a Bluebird recording contract. The strong beat and counterpoint in those first recordings are looked upon as a turning point in Gospel music, a rebirth of the spiritual. "Rock My Soul" has 20 marvelous tunes, recorded from 1937 to 1943, all of them upbeat, rhythmic, harmonic hits. Listen to "Golden Gate Gospel Train," "Jonah In The Whale," "Go Where I Send Thee" and the vocal "horns" on "Massa's In The Cold Cold Ground," the title tune-this is amazing stuff. Humorous songs like "Preacher and the Bear" and "Jonah In the Whale" have as much novelty pop in them as Gospel. "Stalin Wasn't Stallin" (about the defeat of Hitler by the Russians) and "Comin' In On A Wing and a Prayer" feed nicely on the "God is on our side" sentiment of WWII. Not at all maudlin or dire like some Gospel groups, the GGQ are cheerful, joyous and celebratory in their music, and we think they are one of the best, and most interesting, of all time!

Songlist: Golden Gate Gospel Train, Jonah in the Whale, Go Where I Send Thee, Sampson, Massas In the Cold Cold Ground, Preacher and the Bear, Noah, Our Father, Job, Rock My Soul, Stalin Wasn't Stalin, Jezebel, Dip Your Fingers in the Water, He Never Said A Mumblin Word, Didn't it Rain , The Sun Didn't Shine, Anyhow, Blind Barnabas, Comin In On A Wing and A Prayer, Times Windin Up

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2831c | 1 CD | $11.95 || Gospel Group Harmony CDs

Harps Of Melody : Sing And Make Melody Unto The Lord out of print

Review: The Harps of Melody were formed in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1950. Invoking the poignant history from which these African-American spirituals originated, the Harps performed extensively in the South, in churches and on radio, throughout their career. This CD is a rare opportunity to discover their sound, as exemplified by the songs 'Two Little Fishes and Five Loaves of Bread', and 'Roll Jordan Roll,' where they demonstrate, through their use of phrasing, trills and 'blue notes,' their command of the style. Their unique version of 'Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen' is distinctive and original. A must for any devotee.

Songlist: Sing and Make Melody Unto the Lord, He Took My Sins Away, Walk In Jerusalem, Lord, Bless the Weary Soldier In Vietnam, Trouble In My Way, Two Little Fishes and Five Loaves of Bread, I've Already Been to the Water, What a Time, Roll, Jordan, Roll, God Is Using Me, I'm A Soldier, I Need Thee, He's My Everything, Nobody Knows the Trouble that I've Seen, I'm On My Way to the Kingdom Land

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3357c | 1 CD | $14.98

Isaacs : Bluegrass A Cappella

Review: A family group based in Lafollette, TN, the current group members are Lily, Ben, Sonya and Rebecca Isaacs and Rebecca's husband John Bowman. Traveling and singing together for over 30 years, they have a unique style that marries bluegrass music with gospel lyrics. Their concert venues have ranged from the Grand Ole Opry, to Carnegie Hall, and they have won multiple Bluegrass awards for Album of the Year and Gospel Recorded Performance of the Year. We particularly love the spirited original by David Marshall, "Don't You Want To Go To Heaven," three originals by Sonya, "Least I Can Do" (written with Ben Isaacs), the lovely "What Do You See" (sung to the baby Jesus), and "There Through It All" (written with her sister Rebecca); Joe Isaac's "Reaping In the Spirit," and James Hendrix' "I Have A Father Who Can." Covers of "The Star Spangled Banner," "Talk About Suffering" and "Amazing Grace" are fine and soulful. The deep Gospel feeling of these songs goes well with the Bluegrass harmonies, and the pure, simple a cappella voices. "Bluegrass" is the good, authentic stuff, one of the best a cappella Gospel CDs of the year!

Songlist: Don't You Want To Go To Heaven, Least I Can Do, What Do You See, Christ Arose, There Through It All, Star Spangled Banner, Reaping The Spirit, Talk About Suffering, Amazing Grace, I Have A Father Who Can

More details3031c | 1 CD | $14.98 | A Cappella || Bluegrass Harmony

King's Heralds : Delivered - Spirituals

Review: First founded 80 years ago, the King's Heralds quartet has been not so quietly spreading the Gospel. "Spirituals" of course is a collection of African-American traditional Gospel music with a wide range of emotional expression, from the lonesome moans of "Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child," to the ecstatic "hallelujahs" of "O What A Beautiful City." Bible stories live anew in "Dry Bones," "Go Down Moses" and "Wade In The Water." We are led into prayer and meditation with "Lord, I Want to Be A Christian" and "A Little Talk With Jesus," and invited to life-changing attitudes in "Rise and Shine" and "When We All Get Together." An inspirational, upbeat collection from one of the best ever!

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2874c | 1 CD | $14.98 | A Cappella || Spirituals CDs

Meditation Singers : Good News out of print

Review: A re-release on the Specialty label, which was founded by Art Rupe in 1946. The Meditation Singers, led by Earnestine Rundless, began their performing career in 1947, at the New Liberty Baptist Church in Detroit. This four member group initially started with four women, including Della Reese, who eventually left for a career in pop. Later members included tenor and composer James Cleveland, and soul chanteuse Laura Lee. It's Earnestine's sandpaper and gravel shout, however, that delivers the goods, as heard on 'God Is Good To Me' and most of the tunes on this recording. The Meditation Singers continued touring through the 1980's, and they are the genuine article of the golden era of gospel.

Songlist: My Soul Looks Back And Wonders, Ain't That Good News, You Don't Know How Blessed You Are, He's All Right With Me, Remember Me, One River To Cross, Now The Day Is Over, Make A step In The Right Direction, The Day Is Past And Gone, I'm Still Saying Yes, I'm Determined To Run This Race, Do You Know Jesus?, Promise To Meet Me There, Until I Reach My Heavenly Home, He Made It All Right, Jesus Is Always There, Too Close To Heaven, God Is Good To Me, WDIA Radio Station, Make A Step In The Right Direction, You Don't Know How Blessed You Are, Ain't That Good News, My Soul Looks Back And Wonders

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2052c | 1 CD | $8.95

Montreal Jubilation Gospel Choir : A Cappella

Review: Trevor Payne's renowned, veteran Choir brings us this moving tribute to the Negro Spiritual. Following in the footsteps of the Fisk Jubilee Singers and other gospel music pioneers, this is a rare collection of a cappella Spiritual "hits," beginning with "Lord, I Know I've Been Changed," the lovely "There Is A Balm in Gilead," "Ezekiel Saw The Wheel," "Deep River," "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot," "Soon Ah Will Be Done," "Steal Away," "In That Morning When The Lord Says Hurry," "Ain't Got Time to Die," "Joshua Fit The Battle of Jericho"...the good stuff just keeps on coming! One of the best collections of this wonderful, inspirational music we have heard!

Songlist: Lord I Know I've Been Changed, There Is A Balm In Gilead, Ezekiel Saw De Wheel, Deep River, In That Great Gettin' Up Mornin', Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, Soon Ah Will Be Done, Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit, Steal Away, In That Morning When The Lord Says Hurry, The Storm Is Passing Over, Ain't Got Time to Die, Joshua Fit De Battle Of Jericho

More details2494c | 1 CD | $14.95 | A Cappella || Gospel Group Harmony CDs

Montreal Jubilation Gospel Choir : A Cappella Plus

Review: Trevor Payne has taken his Montreal Jubilation Choir around the world and back, literally and musically, since their first concerts after their founding in 1982. Whether performing in Africa, Europe or home in Montreal, the group has built their reputation on its innovative a cappella work, their most popular recording being 1992's "A Cappella." While selecting the music, however, Payne kept hearing instruments, a bassoon here, an African kora, even a New Orleans street band. The traditional spiritual "Zion's Walls" gets the steely counterpoint of a harpsichord, and "Great Day" picks up after church and follows the rollicking New Orleans street band home. "Mary Had a Baby" features some nice soprano sax call-and-response, and a deep, sinuous double bass adds to the cool rhythm on "Elijah Rock." The soaring vocals of "Hail Mary" are complemented by English horn and bassoon. A beautiful pair of songs from Payne's travels in Africa are happily included, the rhythmic a cappella "Nkosi Sikelel, iAfrica" and the haunting "Kwa Unyenyekevu." Our friend Kirby Shaw's finger-snapping spiritual "Plenty Good Room," and the traditionals "Fix Me" and "I'm Gonna Sing" are other favorites among these 15 tunes. A beautiful, feel-good collection from the MJGC!

Songlist: Nkosi Sikelel, iAfrica, Kwa Unyenyekevu, Ain'a That Good News, Zion's Walls, Great Day, Hail Mary, Just A Little Walk With Jesus, The Storm Is Passing Over, Elijah Rock, Plenty Good Room, Fix Me, Mary Had A Baby, Geographical Fugue For Speaking Chorus, I'm Gonna Sing, Sonata No. 18, Opus 13 "Pathetique" Second Movement; Adagio Cantabile

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2495c | 1 CD | $14.95 | A Cappella || Gospel Group Harmony CDs

Mosie Lister : Good Ol' Gospel

Review: From award-winning composer Mosie Lister, this Stereo CD features ten favorite selections from the souvenir songbook by the same title. Performances by The Cathedrals, The Kingsmen, The Speers, The Singing Americans, and J.D. Sumner & The Stamps Quartet are sure to bring back the days of Good Ol' Gospe. Thirty-five all-time favorite gospel songs from award-winning composer Mosie Lister in one souvenir songbook. Includes historic photos, as well as stories behind several of his songs. Lister began his musical career as a singer, performing as an original member of the Sunny South Quartet before he was tapped by Hovie Lister to be the original baritone for the Statesmen. Lister soon gave up his professional singing career to devote his attention to writing, continuing to work as an arranger for the Statesmen. Lister was inducted into the Gospel Music Hall Of Fame in 1976 and into the SGMA Hall Of Fame in 1997.

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70633b | 1 CD | $16.95 | SATB || Gospel Arrangements | Mosie Lister

Naturally 7 : Non Fiction

Review: The first recording from the 1999 Harmony Sweepstakes winners, who enthralled the audience will their radiant countenances and joyful energy. These young singers from New York, though having performed as a unit for only a few short months, displayed an impressive maturity and sophistication. Their gospel background has been good preparation for the brilliant rainbow of tonalities that characterize their technically ambitious, yet passionate approach. The original compositions were written by the group; they also write their own arrangements. With seven voices, they have a palette to choose from that is deep, intense and brilliant. Definitely influenced by Take 6 (their rendition of 'Bless This House' attests to this), their sound is more urbanized, funkier, immediate, as heard on the vocal percussion driven 'Train.' Lyrically, 'Non-Fiction' espouses themes of salvation and redemption, but songs such as 'Last Days,' and their incredible interpretation of 'Bridge Over Troubled Water' require no affiliation, aside from a love of captivating harmony.

Songlist: Opening Meditation (The Path I Take), Theme From Mahogany, Sit-Back-Relax..., WDRG-AM, Bridge Over Troubled Water, All Of You, ...At The Tone, Born To Worship, Last Days, Blessed Assurance, Y'All Hear Dat, Train, Last Days (Reprise), Bless This House, Closing Meditation (The Path I Take), Have I Ever Told You (Bonus Track)

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2800c | 1 CD | $11.95 | A Cappella || Contemporary Christian CDs

Naturally 7 : Ready II Fly

Review: Since we were first blown away by seven-man Contemporary Christian a cappella group Naturally Seven (then simply called Seven) at their win at the 1999 Harmony Sweeps Finals, they have released some very special recordings, "Non Fiction," "Live in Berlin," "What Is It?" and "Christmas A Love Story." "Ready II Fly" is a cut above even those winners, 18 stunning songs that make us look for the "all sounds made by the human voice" disclaimer, and we of course find it. Naturally 7's Christian ministry has tremendous depth and feeling, but what we especially appreciate here is songs like "I Can't Doo Dat," which addresses the issue of women fans approaching these beautiful black men for sex after a concert; "True Friends (and Family)" that speaks to their importance and of acting with integrity; "Cool," which sings of the impressive power of having God in one's life; and "Forever For You" which celebrates the concept of an endless love, for God and one's partner. Lyrically, this is powerful stuff - I think of it as life-changing wisdom being passed on by the ultimate musical role models. "Can You Feel It," "Open Your Eyes," "Feel It in the Air Tonight," "Fly Baby," "Let It Rain" - these are some of the best, most cutting-edge a cappella cuts we have ever heard. "Ready II Fly" is highly recommended, and one of the best of the year. And if you ever have a chance to experience N7 live in concert, even if you have to go to Germany to do it, don't miss it!

Songlist: Can Ya Feel It?, Open Your Eyes, Feel It (In the Air Tonight), Harder Than That, How Could It Be?, Forever for You, Cool, Never, I Can't Doo Dat, 4Life, Tradition, Fly Baby, Let It Rain, What I'm Lookin' 4, New York, Comfort You, Close2Me, True Friend (and Family)

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2469c | 1 CD | $16.98 | A Cappella |

Naturally 7 : What Is It? : 1 CD : 

Listen to
What Is It?

Naturally 7 : What Is It?

Review: The seven deeply spiritual young New York men who called themselves "Seven" and became 1999 Harmony Sweeps Champs now are called Naturally 7 were often asked, "What is it you're doing?" Instead of answering, they wrote a song: "What Is It?" which became the title of their second CD. If the first ("Non-Fiction," on PAC Records) was still highly jazzful and musicologically composed, the second offers a new quality of pop music, striking sparks as soon as you hear it, with an organic fizz to it. Naturally Seven summon up soul, rap, rock and folk from their throats in harmonious balance; their repertoire consists half of their own compositions, half of cover versions. At first listen, we were certain that the group had gone top 40 and was using a hot soul band, until we read the disclaimer "All Sounds A Cappella, all musical sounds crated by the human voice." Listen to the title tune, the Kool & The Gang-flavored "I Wanna Be Where U.R. (Rescue Me)," or "No Fool For You," and you'll hear the a cappella envelope being seriously pushed. 14 songs, hard to pick favorites, but a funky "Broken Wings" cover, "Another You," "Get Ready," "Say You Love Me," "Closer," "Back to the Essence" and "Grace" work for us. The fact that for several years the group has been been busy creating a huge following in Germany, Switzerland and Japan is our loss in the US. One of the best, most influential CDs of the year, on many levels, Beautiful and extensive liner notes.

Songlist: So The Question Is, What Is It? (Excuse Me), Gone With The Wind, Broken Wings, Another You, Music Is The Key, I Wanna Be Where U.R., More Than Words, No Fool For You, Get Ready, Say You Love Me, Closer, Back To The Essence, Grace

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2872c | 1 CD | $15.98 || Contemporary Christian CDs

Original 5 Blind Boys Of Alabama : The Sermon out of print

Review: The Five Blind Boys of Alabama, led by the charismatic Clarence Fountain, have recently taken their fervent quartet-style gospel sounds beyond church audiences to new fans at festivals, concert halls, and nightclubs around the world. Even during the Fifties, when they were kings of the gospel circuit, they were open to experiment, and this collection of 27 tracks, all but two previously unissued, finds them mixing jazz, Latin rhythms, and even comedy into their repertoire. Besides veteran group members Fountain and George Scott, it features the chilling voices of four singing preachers--Paul Exkano, Samuel K. Lewis, George W. Warren, and Percell Perkins.

Songlist: The Sermon, All the Way, I'll Fly Away, Without the Help of Jesus, I'm on the Battlefield, Heavenly Light, Sit Down Servant, Standing by the Bedside, When I Need Him Most, Precious Lord, This May Be The Last Time, Out Father's Praying Ground, Marching Up To Zion, God's Promise, You Got to Move, Old Time Religion, Does Jesus Care, Swingin' on the Golden Gate, I Cried, Hallelujah, Golden Bells, Heaven on My Mind, I'm Going Through, Fix it Jesus, I've Been Born Again, When Death Comes, In the Garden

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5221c | 1 CD | $12.95

Pacific Mozart Ensemble : A Story Of Freedom onsale

Review: The Berkeley, CA-based PME has just been getting better and more innovative since its founding 20 years ago. This rich, powerful, live collection of 23 authentic Spirituals is their 3rd winning recording in the Primarily A Cappella catalog. Some songs are recorded at the Green Room in San Francisco, and the rest at the Oakland Museum. All of our favorites are here, with fresh new arrangements: "Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel," "Ezekiel Saw de Wheel," "His Name So Sweet," "Freedom Train," the heartbreaking "Steal Away," "Do Lord, Remember Me," "Elijah Rock," "The Battle of Jericho," "Amazing Grace," "Mary Had a Baby" and many others. Every song a gem, soaring solos, great music, live performance excitement-what could be better? We loved "A Story of Freedom!"

Songlist: Lord I Want To Be A Christian, Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, Ezekiel Saw De Wheel, Ain't That Good News, His Name So Sweet, Freedom Train, Steal Away, Soon And Very Soon, Deep River, Do Lord Remember Me, Great Day, Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Chile, Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen, Abide With Me, Elijah Rock, I'm Gonna Sing 'til The Spirit Moves In My Heart, The Battle Of Jericho, Down By The Riverside, Who Is Dat A Yonder, Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit, Amazing Grace, Behold A Star, Mary Had A Baby

More details8630c | 1 CD | $14.95 |

Paschall Brothers : On The Right Road Now

Review: The Paschall Brothers were founded as a quintet in 1981, in the footsteps of the renowned Golden Gate Quartet. A multi-generational family group that carries on the African American "roots gospel" tradition that emerged in the post-Civil War South, delights audiences with their classic Virginia Tidewater sound. "On the Right Road Now" features 13 soulful, authentic Gospel/Spiritual a cappella tunes such as "Ease My Troublin' Mind," "Last Days," the uplifting "Joy," the richly harmonic "Remember Me," the joyous, foot-tapping "Jesus Gave Me Water," the metaphorical "Automobile" and "Final Edition," the classic hymns "Rugged Cross" and "The Lord's Prayer," the spirited "I'll Be Satisfied," "Church Folk," the medley "God Said He Would Move/On The Right Road Now," and the standard "I Want to See Jesus." Many of these songs are new to us, and they are all the more enjoyable to listen to because of that! There's a 32-page booklet with photos and info about the music and this amazing group. Great stuff from beginning to end, this is one of the best Gospel collections we have heard in a long time!

Songlist: Ease My Troublin' Mind, Last Days, Joy, Remember Me, Jesus Gave Me Water, Automobile, Final Edition, Rugged Cross, I'll Be Satisfied, The Lord's Prayer, Church Folk, God Said He Would Move/ On The Right Road Now, I Want to See Jesus

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2256c | 1 CD | $14.95 | A Cappella |

Pilgrim Travellers : Best of Pilgrim Travellers out of print

Review: Famous as the group from which soul singer Lou Rawls launched his solo career, the Pilgrim Travellers were one of the most hard-working and touring gospel groups of the 1950's. This value priced double LP set captures their intensity and fervor, and the sheer force of their conviction. Their intonation and the sound quality of the recording are well above average. Songs such as 'Jesus, I'm Thankful,' 'The Old Rugged Cross' and 'I Want My Crown' are personal and heartfelt testimonials to the power of salvation. Their most popular song, 'Jesus Met The Woman At The Well,' a Southern Spiritual, is an American art form.

Songlist: I Was There When the Spirit Came, Blessed Be The Name, Standing On The Highway, Jesus Hits like the Atom Bomb, I've Got a Mother gove Home, Jesus, I'm Thankful, Straight Street, Mother Bowed, The Old Rugged Cross, Something Within Me, A Soldier's Plea, Satisfied With Jesus, My Old Home, Jesus Met the Woman at the Well, What a Blessing in Jesus I've Found, I Want My Crown, God Shall Wipe all Tears Away, Weary Traveler, I'll Tell It, He Will Remember Me, Lord, Help Me Carry On, Now Lord (Yes, my Lord), Lord, Hold My Hand

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2081c | 1 CD | $10.95 | A Cappella

Pilgrim Travellers : Better Than That

Review: The "Better Than That" collection follows the CD compilation of the two "Best of the Pilgrim Travelers" and the first release by the PT in the Legends of Gospel series, "Walking Rhythm;" and it focuses the early to mid-Fifties heyday of this talented all-male quintet. At that time, they were a top draw on the Gospel circuit, booked all over the country. Art Rupe of Specialty Records issued more PT singles over their 10-year relationship than any other group, gospel or pop. "Better" is a generous, comprehensive CD of 28 cuts, including 13 never-before-released cuts. Beginning with their a cappella roots, the group gradually became more accompanied, by organ, piano, guitar, bass, saxophone and drums. Our favorites, of course, are the a cappella numbers: "Please Watch Over Me," "Long Ago (Wooden Church)," "I Never Knew Joy Before," "Leaning On The Everlasting Arm," "I'm Going Through," "How About You?," "I'll Be There (In That Number)," "All The Way (I'm Willing To Run)" and "Your Mother Is Your Friend." This is a great collection by one of the most popular Gospel groups of all time, in their prime!

Songlist: I Could Do Better Than That, Please Watch over Me, Long Ago (Wooden Church), I Never Knew Joy Before, Leaning on the Everlasting Arm, I'm Going Through, How About You?, I'll Be There (In That Number), All the Way (I'm Willing to Run), Your Mother Is Your Friens, Gonna Walk Right Out, Move up to Heaven, What a Friend We Have in Jesus , A Hard Road to Travel, That Lonesome Road, Go Ahead , In My Heart, I Love Jesus , He's My Friend, The Life You Save May Be Your Own (The Salety Song), Troubled in My Home Will Have to End , Every Prayer Will Find Its Answer, Close to Thee, Troubled in Mind, Bless Us Today, Hold On, After While, I Could Do Better Than That

More details2082c | 1 CD | $10.95 || Black Vocal Groups

Pilgrim Travellers : Walking Rhythm

Review: Founded in the early 1930s in Houston during the early 1930s by Joe Johnson and the Davis brothers, the Pilgrims had moved to Los Angeles by 1942, adding two cousins, Kylo Turner and Keith Barber. Between 1947 and 1956, they recorded over a hundred sides for Specialty Records and developed a choreographed, dynamic road show that blew away the competition. There are 29 a cappella spirituals here, from "What Are They Doing (My Lord)," "Good News," the Gospel Boogie "Everybody's Gonna Have A Wonderful Time Up There" and "Nothing Can Change Me (Since I Found The Lord)" to "My Eternal Home," "Footprints of Jesus," "Welcome Home" and "Angels Tell Mother." It's all wonderful, feel good Gospel, some of the best and most authentic we've heard. At the end is a touching plug for Gospel radio station WDIA. "Walking" is a joy! Highly Recommended.

Songlist: What Are They Doing (My Lord), Stretch Out, My Prayer, Good News, Dig A Little Deeper, Everybody's Gonna Have A Wonderful Time Up There (Gospel Boogie), Nothing Can Change Me (Since I Found The Lord), Jesus, Thank You Jesus, What A Friend We Have In Jesus, It's A Blessing, Not A One, He's Pleading In Glory, Jesus Gave Me Water, Jesus, He's The One, King Jesus Will Roll All Burdens Away, My Eternal Home, Pass Me Not Oh Gentle Savior, Footprints of Jesus, When I Join The Jubilee, Call Him By His Name, Welcome Home, My Road's So Rough And Rocky, I Love The Lord, Deliver Me From Evil, Jesus Is The First Line Of Defense, Peace Of Mind, Angels Tell Mother, WDIA Radio Station Plug

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2083c | 1 CD | $10.95 || Black Vocal Groups

Reconciled : Field Of Soul

Review: An inspired quartet from the Bahamas creates a wide ranging musical basis for their musical ministry. You have to call them contemporary but you'll find rap, soul, doo-wop, rock 'n roll, island rhythms and vocal elements, and traditional Gospel. Just when you say to yourself, 'that sounds like Acappella,' you have to revise that because the next tune may have such Caribbean vocal percussion you could swear that Vocal Sampling had sat in on the cut. In the medley of traditional Gospel tunes you'll be reminded of the Pindar family. In short, this is a unique new group which is a ministry but should also inspire those who love world music.

Songlist: He Is Risen, Field Of Souls, Livin' for Jesus, Don't Let Go, Do You?, Reason, Heavenly Father We Appreciate You, Heaven Medley, Jesus, He Is Coming

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2279c | 1 CD | $14.98 | A Cappella || Contemporary Christian CDs

Reconciliation Singers Voices of Peace : Voices of Peace out of print

Review: Twenty-strong, mixed-voice RSVP was founded in 2000 by Artistic Director Julie Adams, with the purpose of bringing people together through the arts and giving back to the community. They have presented uplifting and powerful live performances, donating all proceeds to to 15 local charities. RSVP's concerts have supported programs for the elderly, the abused, the neglected, the hungry, the poor, the illiterate and the homeless. Some light accompaniment. We like the chosen purpose of this talented ensemble, and we love their music!

Songlist: Heavenly Crystal, Scarborough Fair, All The Pretty Horses, All I Ask Of You, Fine, Shape Of My Heart, The Coolin', Migilidi Magildi, There Were No Mirrors In My Nana's House, Children Will Listen

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2247c | 1 CD | $14.95 | A Cappella

Rollo Dilworth : Good News

Review: Rollo A. Dilworth is Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities and Music Education at the North Park University School of Music in Chicago, Illinois. He also serves as director of the Music Institute of Chicago Children's Choir. In 2003, the University awarded Dilworth with the prestigious Zenos Hawkinson Award for Teaching Excellence and Campus Leadership. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Music Education from Case Western Reserve University, and a Master of Education Degree in Secondary Education from the University of Missouri-St. Louis, where he studied composition and choral music with Robert Ray. He received the Doctor of Music degree in conducting performance at Northwestern University where he studied conducting and composition with Robert A. Harris. This excellent recording features his arrangements of African American spirituals and original gospel selections. Recommended.

Songlist: No Rocks-A-Cryin', Keep On Travelin', Take Me to The Water, Ain't A That Good News, Jeramiah's Fire!, Swingin' Sweet Chariot, I Want Jesus To Walk With Me, How Can I Keep From Singing, Witness for My Lord, De Gospel Train, Soon and Very Soon, Walk In Jerusalem, Ain't A That Good News (instrumental)

More details5090c | 1 CD | $15.95 || Spirituals CDs

Ruth Elaine Schram : Simply Spirituals - Perf/accomp CD

Review: "Simply Spirituals" features six Unison/Two-part songs that celebrate the rich cultural heritage of the traditional spiritual. An outstanding resource for children's and youth choirs both in churches and schools, this collection also provides an indispensable resource for small adult choirs and senior choirs. Spanning the entire year, "Simply Spirituals" includes titles for fall, winter, and spring concerts and for church applications such as All Saints' Day, Ascension, Christ the King, Christian Discipleship, Christmas/Epiphany, Eastertide, Lent, and Pentecost. The optional vocal parts may be performed by C instrument or synthesizer. As an added bonus, the collection includes reproducible song sheets, featuring both melody and lyrics, and a fully orchestrated Performance/Accompaniment CD is also available.

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2092cd | 1 CD | $34.95 || Ruth Elaine Schram

Sensational Nightingales : Best of out of print

Review: The Sensational Nightingales were briefly one of the greatest quartets of gospel's golden age, and this album proves it. Almost all of the tracks on this album feature the awesome and terrifying vocals of the Reverend Julius Cheeks, the greatest gospel shouter of them all. He's the man who taught Sam Cooke to shout and was the principal inspiration for a young Wilson Pickett. Cheeks was as great an arranger as any other in quartet music (check out "Standing At The Judgement") and peppered his best work with soulful and downhome ad-libbed interjections, anticipating James Brown's funk preaching by more than ten years. A great tribute to one of the unsung heroes of American music.

Songlist: Morning Train, To The End, Burying Ground, A Closer Walk With Thee, Standing In the Judgement, What Would You Give, Never Said A Word, I Want to Go, Don't Put Off Today, New Jerusalem, The Storm Is Passing, Prayed Too Late

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5232c | 1 CD | $7.95

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