Gradual Antiphon (Znamenny chant, tone 2) |
Glory to God in the Highest (D.S. Bortniansky) |
Let My Prayer Arise (P. Chesnokov) |
The Good Thief (P. Chesnokov) |
Cherubic Hymn (G. Lomakin) |
In the Dark Forest (Traditional, 17th C) |
The Birch Tree (Traditional) |
The Snowstorm (A.E. Varlamov) |
Shall I Go? (Traditional) |
Oh, You Steppe (Tradtional, 17th C.) |
Borodino (text: M. Lermontov) |
Schelkalov's Aria (M. Musorgsky) |
Pilgrims Chorus (M. Musorgsky) |
The Winds Blew Softly (arr. D. Shostakovich) |
Oh You Roads (A. Novikov, text: L. Osanin) |
Song of the Arbat (B. Okudzhava) |
My Soul Years for the Heavens (G. Sviridov, text: S. Yesenin) |
Gradual Antiphon (conclusion) (Znamenny chant, tone 2) |