Alfred Burt : Christmas Carols SSAThese delightful carols are the result of a tradition begun by the Reverend Bates G. Burt, his composer son, Alfred and friend-of-the-family Whila Hutson; for many years these three collaborated on the creation of original carols, which were then sent to friends as Christmas cards. The fifteen carols as published are arranged in three sets. The carols within each set were selected to provide a variety of sound and facility of transition from one carol to the next so that each set may be performed as a program group
Songlist: Caroling, Caroling Long Ago, O Hearken Ye, Nigh Bethlehem, All On A Christmas Morning, We'll Dress The House, Ah, Bleak And Chill Wintry Wind, Christmas Cometh Caroling, Some Children See Him, Jesu Parvule, Bright, Bright, The Holly Berries, The Star Carol, Carol Of The Mother, What Are The Signs, Christ In The Stranger's Guise, Come, Dear Children