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Peninsula Women's Chorus
Winter Patterns

Song NameComposer
Dostoyna YestChesnokov
Svete TihiyChenokov
Christmas CantataPinkham
O Vivens FonsHildegard von Bingen
Ave MariaClarke
TalveMustridVeijo Tormis
Ave MariaSzymko
Airecillos De BelenBalzanelli
Agnus DeiGriffin
Litanies A La Vierge Noire
Suite De LorcaRautavaara
A Carol SequenceSalvator Mundi

Directed by Patricia Hennings

The 60-voice Palo Alto, CA-based PWC is known for adventurous programming, seeking out music written especially for women, and frequently commissioning new works. "Winter Patterns" is a Christmas collection of sacred works such as Chesnokov's "Dostoyno yest" (It is truly fitting) and "Svete tihiy" (Gladsome Light), Daniel Pinkham's 3-part "Christmas Cantata," Rebecca Clarke's "Ave Maria," Charles Griffin's "Agnus Dei," Poulenc's "Litanies a la Vierge Noire" and Veljo Tormis' 4-part "Talvemustrid" (Winter Patterns). There are also carols, Franz Gruber's "Silent Night," and the lesser-known "Salvator Mundi, A Carol Sequence" by William Mathias, which includes "Make we Merry," "Mirabile Mysterium," "Susanni," "Lullay" and "Welcome, Yule." "Patterns" is a rare and beautiful collection of sacred music from one of the world's best women's choral ensembles. Some accompaniment.

Item code: 8481C | 1 CD | $15.95 add item to cart
Choral | Primarily a cappella | Female | United States

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