Jay Althouse : Christmas Spirituals for Men's VoicesA selection of superb well-crafted orginal a cappella Christmas sprituals. "Good News" opens with an energetic melody sung by the low voice with the upper three voices singing in counterpoint above. Rhythmic energy develops the piece and it ends with an electrifyimg eight measure coda that's the pinnacle of excitement. No solos, no tempo changes make for quick learning. In the classic spiritual tradition, yet fresh and contemporary." Whisper! Whisper!" has strong dynamic contrasts (from "Whisper, whisper, tiny baby in a manger lay" to "Shout it out from the hills and valleys; baby born today") make this a winner for your choir. A lush middle section contrasts with the rhythmic excitement of the opening theme. Brief, easy solos for male singer. Who's That Baby?" opens with the basses asking, in a hushed, rhythmic melody, "Who's that baby in a manger bed?" The text is classic spiritual style, but the music is anything but... it's fresh, new, and alive! "Have You Heard?" features contrasting dynamics (excellent for teaching phrasing), male solos, and a tender middle section which contrasts with the hushed excitement of the opening and closing melody. Includes a descant on the final chorus.
Songlist: Good News!, Who's That Baby?, Whisper! Whisper! ( Baby Born Today ), Have You Heard?, Look Up, Children