Various Arrangers : African American Spirituals Vol 2The familiar portions of 'Dem Bones' dance delightfully and are surrounded by meaningful choral statements, especially the ending 'Breathe On Me Breath of God.' The title of 'Ain't That News' is a tribute to the superb Staple Singers, who dang a piece by that name, not otherwise quoted in this chart. The opening seven measures are an adaptation of an old Paul Robeson 78. The rest of the piece is original material intended to pay homage to both the black church and black popo music, just one of the many genres that owes its soul to the spiritual. The composer states, "My goal is to allow even the most demure chorister to have at least a little taste of what it would be like to be Aretha Franklin." Donald R. Frderick's arrangement of 'Deep River' is short but sweet with beautiful 4 part harmonies. The beautiful sound of 'Bright Mansions' is brought to life with great excitement in K. Lee Scott's arrangement. Multiple sections featuring only male voices and a soaring descant towards the end of the piece make this gospel tune a true gem. Rosephanye Powell has become one of the most popular new choral writers to burst on the scene. 'Drinking of the Wine' was commissioned by the Truman State University Chorus, conducted by R. Paul Crabb. The text weaves together stories from the Bible with images of the hardship of life. 'Swing Low, Sweet Chariot' is treated in an expressive, upbeat and playful manner in this arrangement. It is rhythmically challenging - a pervasive triplet feel with some interesting and unexpected twists.
Songlist: Ain't That News, Deep River, Bright Mansions, Drinkin' of the Wine, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot