Sofia Women's Chamber Choir : Schumann - Choral Works For Womans' Voice

Schumann - Choral Works For Womans' Voice
Song Name Composer
Tamburinschlagerin Robert Schumann
Waldmadchen Robert Schumann
Klosterfraulein Robert Schumann
Soldatenbraut Robert Schumann
Meerfey Robert Schumann
Die Capelle Robert Schumann
Rosmarien Robert Schumann
Jager Wohlgemuth Robert Schumann
Der Wassermann Robert Schumann
Das verlassene Magdlein Robert Schumann
Der Bleicherin Nachtlied Robert Schumann
In Meeres Mitten Robert Schumann
Mailied Robert Schumann
Fruhlingslied Robert Schumann
An die Nachtigall Robert Schumann
An den Abendstern Robert Schumann
Nanie Robert Schumann
Triolett Robert Schumann
Spruch Robert Schumann
Spinnelied Robert Schumann
Sommerruh Robert Schumann
Chor der houris as "Das Paradies und die Peri" Robert Schumann
Landliches Lied Robert Schumann
Lied Robert Schumann

The release features a selection of songs by Schumann, performed by the well-known Bulgarian female chamber choir VASSIL ARNAUDOV conducted by Irina Stiglich and Theodora Pavlovich. Almost all songs were composed in the forties of the 19th century, a time of elation for Schumann, who had finally found real happiness in life. His lyrical songs are an expression of his innermost feelings of joy, sorrow, delight and inspirations connected with the poetry of his beloved Moerike, Ruekert, Eichendorff, Elisabeth Kulmann and other German poets who have been a source of inspiration for many composers of romantic music. Some of the shorter songs like Rosmarien, Mailied, Fruehlingslied, Spinnelied, as well as the chorus from the oratory "Das Paradies und die Peri" are real musical jewels. Selected with much precision, the lyrical songs reveal Schumann's talent in shaping the small, always exquisitely woven musical form, his musical gift to create images, metaphors, characters, and natural scenery. The interpretation of singers and choir-masters alike is magnificent with its sincere emotion, subtle nuances of sound and colour, keen feeling for ensemble and perfect intonation.
Item Code 7051c
Weight: 3.20 oz |  Female  |  Primarily a cappella  |  14 - Choral  |  00 1 CD  |  Bulgaria  |  Bulgarian Choral  |  I. Stiglich  | 
Our price: $15.98