Tallis Scholars : Tallis Scholars Sing Josquin

Tallis Scholars Sing Josquin
Song Name Composer
Plainchant Josquin Desprez
Missa Pange Lingua Josquin Desprez
Missa La Sol Fa Re Mi Josquin Desprez
Praeter Rerum Seriem Josquin Desprez
Ave Maria Josquin Desprez

If one were looking for a superstar among Renaissance composers Josquin is unquestionably the front runner. He was a star in his lifetime, travelling more widely, being paid better and having more desirable employment than anyone else; and he has become a star again more recently. It is true that in the centuries in between it has been Palestrina and Tallis who were performed more consistently, where Josquin was forgotten, but this was on account of their simple music, which choirs of any ability could sing. Josquin didn't write any simple music. All his music is complex, intellectually and vocally, posing problems which have only recently been found to represent a supreme challenge. As with Beethoven it is now recognized that facing up to Josquin's message can bring unparalleled rewards; and, more than anywhere else, it is now clear it was in his Mass settings that he expressed that message at its most fluent. There are perhaps fifteen Mass settings by Josquin, all of which are essentially scored for four voices.
Item Code 8321c
Mixed  |  A Cappella  |  22 - Early Music 14  |  00 2 CDs  |  England  |  Early Music CDs  |  Peter Philips  | 
Our price: $18.98