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Ariella Vaccarino - Voice Lessons To Go - Vol 4 - Stamina

Stamina is the fourth CD in Ariella Vaccarino's Voice Lesson to Go series. It is compiled of vocal exercieses designed to challenge and strengthen any singers' abilities. The vocal program in Stamina will train the singer, like an athlete, in building abdominal strength and vocal endurance. This is the most advanced of the series and is designed to challenge the singer. In part 1 of Stamina, Ariella Vaccarino introduces, and walk ou through each new exercise. Once mastered, you can sing freely without any interruptions to part 2, which is straight piano accompaniment to all the vocalizes. 6617 CD 19.95


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 25, 2008 12:54 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Henry Alviani - Voiceworks.

The next post in this blog is Brian Kane - Singing Tongue Twisters A-Z.

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