March 23, 2007
Transit - Transit

From transit's website: "Welcome to the home of transit: the hottest a cappella sensation to come out of North Carolina since…ever." Joseph, George, Dave, Brent and James are transit, and this is their CARA-nominated, self-titled debut EP, which opens with a miles-deep cover of Muse's "Supermassive Black Hole," and segues incongruously into a brilliantly subtle cover of "Hide and Seek." As we did whenever possible with the original "Blood, Sweat & Tears" tune, we ff'd past a fairly pedestrian "Vehicle" to be rewarded with the poignant, soft ballad "In The Graveyard." "Can't Get Next to You" is ok, not outstanding, but the final two cuts have the true flavor of greatness: the original tune of lost love, poetry and hurting, "Whispers," and then the CARA-nominated cover of "Home" by Marc Broussard, which kicks serious a cappella butt from the first nasty vocal percussion drumbeats—featuring a howling, foot-stomping, southern-fried solo that you won't believe. You'll listen to it and then quickly hit the "back" button just to make sure you really just heard something this hot. And all this is from a debut CD of 7 tunes—o, mah, god. As they say on the website's "News" page, there's much more to come, and we will be waiting, but savor transit now!
2417 CD 9.95
Listen to "Can't Get Next To You"
Posted by acapnews at March 23, 2007 12:08 AM