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Helen Kemp
Where in the World: Folksong Warmups from Many Lands

Kum Ba Yah
Come To My Farm
Sing an Aria
Cantad al Senor
A Zing-a Za
Mama Paquita
Ging Gong Gooli
Yangtze Boatman's Chantey
Stodola Pumpa
Hey Ho, Hey Ho
Blow the Man Down
Hauling Song
Sing Together
I Have Lost the Bow for My Violin
Hear the Bagpipes Play
German Instrument Song
Hiking Song
The Scale
Debka Hora
Zum Gali Gali
Bella Bimba
Mi Gallo
Alabare, Alabare
Oh, How We Sing
A Ram Sam Sam
The Little Birch Tree
La Cucaracha
Do Remember Me
Polly Wolly Doodle
Old Chisholm Trail

Where in the World helps to develop the singing voices of children's choirs through fun warm-ups, based on folk tunes from many lands. Includes notes on how to use the song as a warm up, pronunciation guides, and suggested keys/vocal ranges for each song. For elementary choirs. Where in the World helps to develop the singing voices of children's choirs through fun warm-ups, based on folk tunes from many lands. Includes notes on how to use the song as a warm up, pronunciation guides, and suggested keys/vocal ranges for each song.

Item code: 4314B | Vocal Warm Up Exercises | $5.95 add item to cart
Choral  | 40 Pages | Softcover | 7 x 10

Related: Choral Warm-Ups

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