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Jaakko Mantyjarvi - Pseudo-Yoik



Accompaniment:      A Cappella
Composer:      Jaakko Mantyjarvi
Music series:      Walton Choral Series
Country:      Belgium
Language:      Nonsense
Music Category:      World
Format:      Sheet Music
Dimensions:      10.50 X 6.75
Number of Pages:      16
Item Code:      W5047

Includes performance notes

The nonsense text exists merely to give form to the music and is meaningless. In Pseudo-Yoik the composer takes a humorous look at the stereotype of Lapland folk music.

Our Price:$2.35 (min. order 4 copies) | add item to cart

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Related: Humorous A Cappella Arrangements

The above folio is also available in this package

Various Arrangers : Scandinavian Folk Songs : SSAA : Sheet Music Collection

Various Arrangers : Scandinavian Folk Songs

Norway is a country rich in folk tradition, and in these piece, elements of folk dance and instrumental music are clearly represented. These tunes are fun, singable, and would fit perfectly on a program of multicultural music, or as a stand-alone on a concert of a more diverse nature. Complete IPA guide included. "The text exists merely to give form to the music and is meaningless," says Finnish composer Mantyjarvi, whose "El Hambo" in 1999 was an instant success with American high school choirs. In "Pseudo-Yoik" he takes a humorous look at the stereotype of the Lapland folk music. Fun stuff!

Songlist: Pseudo-Yoik, God Morgan Ola Reppom, Ned I Vester Soli Glader, Ekorn Gjekk pa Volln og Slo

More details
Voicing: SSAA | 8020b | Sheet Music Collection | $4.50 | A Cappella
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Jaakko Mantyjarvi : Pseudo-Yoik

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