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Chor Leoni

Song NameComposer
Carols And Lullabies: Christmas In The SouthwestConrad Susa
Lauda Per La Nativita Del SignoreOttorino Respighi
MagnificatRupert Lang

Directed by Diane Loomer

We have reviewed five CDs by the talented men of Canada's 'Choral Lions,' and we have loved them all! Conductor and founder Loomer seems to call forth and inspire the rich, powerful baritone and bass parts, providing the ground for the soaring leads of the altos and tenors. 'Magnificat' is a lightly-accompanied Christmas collection, beginning with Contrad Susa's delightful 10-part 'Christmas in the Southwest,' continuing with the Elektra Women's Choir on Ottorino Respighi's 'Lauda per la Nativita del Signore,' and closing beautifully with Rupert Lang's 7-part title tune, 'Magnificat.' Listen to Susa's joyous 'Campana Sobre Campana,' 'En Belen Tocan a Fuego' and 'En Noi de la Mare' to get a taste of this delectable, surprising Christmas collection from one of our favorite male ensembles.

Item code: 8464C | 1 CD | $15.98 add item to cart
Choral | A Cappella | Male | Canada

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